Dan Miller
Massage & Bodywork


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Welcome! I offer Massage Therapy in Arlington, Massachusetts. I practice myofascial therapy, which concentrates on connective tissues and helps the body operate as a more integrated whole.

I help people feel their best. My style creates a feeling of perfect calm that elicits snores from my massage table. My superpower is listening, which I use to discover what my client needs. An experience of relaxation that turns you into jelly as you release tension you were not aware you were holding. Deep tissue work that is intense in the moment but leaves you feeling better and freer afterward. Often both in the same session. I help athletes optimize their performance and soothe their hard-working bodies. I help office workers let go of their shoulders after keeping them up by their ears at the computer all day. I help people regain range of motion in stuck joints, recover from pain, and get better sleep.

I trained under the legendary Richmond Dickson at The New England School of Therapeutics. 

Sessions are by appointment at The Arlington Center. Home visits are available for an additional fee.

369 Massachusetts Ave

Arlington, MA




Massachusetts LMT No. 17805



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Dan Miller. All rights reserved.